_A la carte consultation with Candace Burch

Ready to get insights from Candace on your top hormonal concerns and/or recent test results?

STEP 1) First enter billing information below, and specify if you have recent hormone test results in saliva (via the checkbox)

STEP 2) Scroll down until you see "PAYMENT," and select the relevant consultation option (based on whether or not you have recent saliva test results). 

**If you have a coupon code enter it under this section where it says "Have a Coupon Code?"**

STEP 3) Those with recent saliva test results may "add on" a customized guide (via the blue box)

After purchase you'll receive the link to schedule your appointment, along with a hormone health questionnaire!

Please note: this ‘a la carte’ call does not include an in-depth post-call recap (unless you have recent saliva test results and have "added on" a custom guide). Candace will email you brief notes and links to specific items you discussed on your call – but we highly suggest taking notes during the call!

EMAIL US with any questions!

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We'll send your receipt and other important info to this email.

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Add to your order

rebalancing education card images (1)

ADD ON: Custom Rebalancing Guide (Based on Recent Saliva Test Results)

Receive a comprehensive, personalized guide based on your hormone test results, health history and top symptoms.

INCLUDES: a step by step break down of what your test results show (including “suboptimal” levels) and how levels connect to the symptoms you've reported. PLUS in-depth lifestyle + diet + supplement / plant based hormone suggestions and educational resources for YOU!

(Focused primarily on: estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and cortisol).

 rebalancing education card images (1)


Order summary

Hormone Health Educator, Candace Burch, MA

_A la carte consultation with Candace Burch

During your consultation, Candace will explain how your top symptoms relate to classic hormone imbalances and how specific lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, toxins, aging, HRT, B.C. and/or medications contribute to hormone highs and lows. She will also review her top suggestions for holistic rebalancing, including stress management, nutrition, key supplements / herbs and/or bioidentical hormones. She can also provide guidance speaking with doctors about hormone therapy or birth control concerns (if applicable).

For those with recent hormone test results (in saliva), she will help you understand your results and symptoms on a deeper level!

Please note: this ‘a la carte’ call does not include an in-depth post-call recap. Candace will share her top tips for rebalancing and will email brief notes and links to specific items you discussed on your call – but we highly suggest taking notes during the call!

EMAIL US with any questions!

Total due $199

Payment information

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