YHB Recommended Reading: Natural Hormone Re-Balancing Guides

The following books were written by our 'go to' experts and educators in the field of health + hormone balance.You'll also find a list of some of our favorite podcast episodes that will provide "edutainment" and tangible tips & takeaways (download and save for your next walk or commute)! We highly encourage checking out these resources for additional support understanding HOW to naturally rebalance your hormones with necessary (and realistic!) steps to make it happen. 


Hormone Intelligence, by Aviva Romm, M.D. 

Take back your hormone health and get to the root causes of common gynecologic conditions (covers a wide range of hormone conditions/ symptoms)

Hormone Balance Made Simple, by John R. Lee, M.D., and Virginia Hopkins

A great overview and how-to-guide to hormone balancing

The Hormone Cure, Sara Gottfried, M.D.

Great/read on how our hormones work, causes and symptoms of hormone imbalance and what we can do for natural relief

Awakening Athena, Kenna Stephenson, M.D.

A physician researcher of female hormone health shares case studies and helpful tools for achieving balance, rejuvenation and resilience. 

Hormone Hell to Hormone Well, by Dr. C.W. Randolph MD and Genie James MMsC

Simple overview for those seeking natural relief of hormone woes

Ancient Remedies by Dr. Josh Axe

Herbs essential oils, CBD uses for health and hormones (with home remedies)

Hashimoto's Protocol by Izabella Wentz PharmD

A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back

Woman Code by Alisa Vitti

Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex Drive, and Become a Power Source

FOOD: What the Heck Should I Eat? by Dr. Mark Hyman

Dr. Mark Hyman sorts through the conflicting research on food to give us the skinny on what to eat- a VERY interesting & engaging read 

The Real Food Grocery Guide by Health Coach, Maria Marlowe 

Navigate the Grocery Store, Ditch Artificial and Unsafe Ingredients, Bust Nutritional Myths, and Select the Healthiest Foods Possible 

Renegade Beauty by Nadine Artemis 

Reveal and Revive Your Natural Radiance--Beauty Secrets, Solutions, and Preparations

Clean Skin from Within by Dr. Trevor Cates

The Spa Doctor's Two-Week Program to Glowing, Naturally Youthful Skin


Healthier Together Podcast "Hormone Q&A—Solutions for Belly Fat, Acne, Hair Loss, Migraines, PMS, Insomnia, Low Energy, and More" with Dr. Aviva Romm

Women Talking Frankly Podcast "Hormone Imbalances and the Mother of All: Estrogen Dominance" with YHB Founder Candace Burch & Co-Host Kyle McAvoy 

Women Talking Frankly Podcast "All That We Never Learned in Sex Ed: Hormonal Transitions in Women’s Lives" with YHB Founder Candace Burch & Co-Host Kyle McAvoy 

Women Talking Frankly Podcast "The Androgens: Testosterone and DHEA: NOT for Men Only" with YHB Founder Candace Burch & Co-Host Kyle McAvoy 

Solo 2.0 Podcast "How we Rebalanced our Hormones, Naturally: Insights on: Birth Control, Diet, Exercise, Stress, Toxins, Supplements + MORE!" with Hosts YHB Co-Founder, Rye Burch & YHB Holistic Health Coach, Jess Suchan

Solo 2.0 Podcast "Hormones 101: Understanding Master Hormones, Common Imbalances and How to Get Back in Balance Naturally" with YHB Founder Candace Burch & her daughters (hosts, Jess & Rye) 

Real SOULutions Podcast "Bloating & Gut Healing: Culprits, Hormone Connection & Solutions" with Host, Dietician Sarah Grace Meck 

Real SOULutions Podcast "Starting Steps to Balancing Your Hormones" with Host, Dietician Sarah Grace Meck 

The Lady Gang Podcast "Candace Burch Returns" with YHB Founder Candace Burch

Have a question? Email us at info@yourhormonebalance.com

Interested in testing your hormone levels and getting started on an all-natural rebalancing plan? Check out our at-home hormone testing + consulting packages HERE.