
How I Overcame a Hellish Health Year to Come "Home" to My Body (5 Strategies)

NOTE: The following article was written by our co-founder, Ryan Burch, and was originally shared in a newsletter with YHB’s subscribers only. Sign up HERE to join our newsletter list and receive regular hormone health tips, stories, advice and helpful resources (like this!)

Do you ever feel at war with your body? 

I distinctly remember feeling this way a few years ago when I was dealing with horrible gut issues (I had SIBO but didn't realize it) and was misdiagnosed with a rare autoimmune dise…

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The Hormonal Connect to Mental Health Concerns #MentalHealthAwareness

It's Mental Health Awareness Month and we’re zeroing in on the hormonal connection to mental health concerns, including a look at the specific hormone imbalances related to anxiety, depression, mood swings, irritability, emotional hypersensitivity and many other mood-altering symptoms!

Follow along as we dig into the root causes for these imbalances and also share some of our favorite lifestyle adjustments and herbs to support balanced hormones and better moods!


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Check Out Candace Burch & Jess Suchan on The Love Fix Podcast

Catch our founder, Candace Burch, and our "in-house" Holistic Health Coach, Jess Suchan, on this week's episode of The Love Fix. The hosts, Carla and Sherry, kick off this week talking about birth control and then take a Love Fix Question on how to fall in love with reality instead of just the fantasy when you are struggling with co-dependency. Candace and Jess then talk about hormone health, testing your hormones, and why it’s important to know and track your cycle. We also discuss how our re…

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Hormone Balancing Star Ingredient: Cacao

Are you looking for healthier alternatives to satisfy your chocolate cravings? Then you must know about this incredible superfood! Raw cacao (different from cocoa which is highly processed), is one of the best food sources of antioxidants, even beating out green tea! It contains compounds known to trigger endorphin release and has been shown to boost serotonin levels in the brain!

When we crave chocolate before & during our period (luteal & menstrual phases), it can be a signal that we need t…

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Elements of a Hormone Balancing Meal: Tuna Nicoise Salad

This spin on a tuna Nicoise salad by our health coach @bodyblissbyjess is filled with hormone balancing ingredients that will help regulate blood sugar levels, keep your palate happy & boost brain function to help you power through your day! Some of the star players of this salad include: 👇⁠

@safecatchfoods (sustainably caught & tested for mercury): a solid source of Omega 3's which are the anti-inflammatory fats that help improve cognitive function (i.e. keep you sharp & focused). It's also …

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Hormone Balancing Star Ingredient: Flax

What to know when buying Flax 👇 Flax seeds are small but MIGHTY and can be easily incorporated into your daily rituals! They contain compounds called lignans which are a class of phytoestrogens that support the production AND elimination of excess estrogen in the body which encourages healthy production of progesterone and other sex hormones! They can be an amazing support for regulating cycles, improving fertility, and boosting energy! They're also rich in essential omega 3’s (healthy fat), z…

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Cinco de Mayo: SF Margarita + Hormone Balancing Toast

Living a life of ‘balance’ is about making mindful, healthy choices as much as possible, while also making time to let your hair down without being overly restrictive (we call it the 80/20 rule)! To help you celebrate Cinco De Mayo in ‘balance,’ our holistic health coach @bodyblissbyjess teamed up with her husband, @ice_and_alchemy to bring you a sugar-free margarita that tastes just as good as the original!⁠

Did you know that one margarita can range from 10 - 50 grams of sugar depending on h…

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Product Swap: Sunscreen Edition

Recent studies have shed light on the harmful, cancer causing (i.e. ‘endocrine disrupting’) chemicals found in many mainstream products. Companies like Neutrogena, Banana Boat, Coppertone, Australian Gold & CVS contain nasty ingredients like those shown in the first photo which should be avoided at all costs! Oxybenzone, for example, is found in 40% of the 1,800 products @EWG_info investigated & according to the CDC, 97% of Americans have this chemical circulating in their bodies! So while y…

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Elements of a Hormone Balancing Meal: Sweet Potato Toasts

This “sweet potato” spin on a traditional avocado toast by our health coach @bodyblissbyjess is a fun way to switch things up while keeping blood sugars balanced and your brain sharp and focused for a busy day! It’s also completely customizable so you can add what you love (this would also be delicious with the addition of smoked salmon or some organic turkey slices)!

Some of the key hormone-balancing ingredients include 👇⁠

Your base is sweet potato “toast” which Jess got pre-sliced from @ca…

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Hormone Balancing Star Ingredient: Maca

What to look for when buying Maca 👇 ⁠

This Peruvian root has been around for 2,000 years + used as an important food since the days of the Inca warriors! But did you know there are actually different colors of maca including red, black, and yellow each with slightly different benefits? Raw maca powder gives you the most bang for your buck (over gelatinized or cooked) because the enzymes and nutrients remain at their peak levels - but it's important to choose a form that is high quality by a t…

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