

Hormone Balance Product Pick: Calm Magnesium

Did you know magnesium is involved in hundreds of actions and reactions within the body? Yet roughly 50% of Americans do not get their recommended daily intake and are deficient in this important mineral!

Magnesium is known as our ‘relaxing, calming’ mineral that is involved in: gene maintenance, nervous system regulation, bone health, cardiovascular health, and preventing things like diabetes, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and even Alzheimer’s disease

And when it comes to symptoms, magnesium…

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Help for Tired Adrenal Glands (Tips for Managing Cortisol 'Stress' Hormones)

Could You Have an Adrenal Imbalance?

Considering the fast-paced, high pressure society we live in, many of us are going about our daily routines with adrenal imbalances...and not even realizing it! We have normalized feeling anxious and/or exhausted as part of what we’ve defined as a busy and “successful” life. 

Do these symptoms of adrenal imbalance sound familiar?:

- Feeling “tired but wired” (you’re exhausted when you hit your bed but then your brain comes alive and you can’t seem to shut…

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Preventing Breast Cancer: How Hormone Balance Can Help Save Your Life

When was the last time you thought about your personal risks for breast cancer?

As October wanes, please don’t let the disappearance of pink ribbons rob us of the greater message of our hard-won awareness: that despite all the money raised and the billions spent, we still have no guaranteed treatment or cure for breast cancer. In the meantime, the continuing war on cancer with the latest designer drugs or procedures is big business. Sometimes it works and we survive to race for the cure. But br…

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"How I got my Cycle Back" w/ YHB's Holistic Health Coach, Jess Suchan

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Hi, I’m Jess Suchan, YHB’s “in-house” Holistic Health Coach and founder. of Body Bliss By Jess (I also happen to be our founder Candace Burch’s daughter and our co-founder Rye Burch’s older sis)! 

Our mom has been a Hormone Health Educator for almost as long as we’ve been alive, but our interest in the topic didn’t peak (in fact we found it ‘boooring’ as most teens do) until we started experiencing our own symptoms of imbalance! 


From dry skin to stubborn weight gain, extre…

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Product of the Week: Thyme Oil

Did You Know?: One of the benefits of thyme essential oil is its progesterone balancing effects! Progesterone is essential for regulating a woman’s menstrual cycle and optimum levels are needed for fertility and healthy pregnancy. Low levels of progesterone (which we see on many client test reports) may create a long list of side effects including PMS, hair loss, mood swings, depression, painful periods, and infertility.

This is why using thyme essential oil is a great addition to your hormone …

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Essential Oils for Hormone Balance: Best Kinds + Ways to Use Them!

Did you know: Essential oils can be effective healers & helpers for hormone rebalancing, especially when combined with hormone testing, stress reduction techniques, healthy eating and targeted natural supplementation tailored to your needs.


Essential oils (EO) are made up of a complex mixture of natural chemicals that are extracted from the leaves, barks, rinds and herbs of plants. After distillation, the oil is separated from the water and concentrated into a very pur…

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Understanding the Hormone Connection to PMS + Top Suggestions for Alleviating Symptoms

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) most commonly results from a hormone imbalance where progesterone is low relative to estrogen levels, particularly in the second half (luteal phase) of the menstrual cycle, about 1-2 weeks before the onset of a period. PMS encompasses a cluster of symptoms including bloating, breast pain, migraines, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and irritability.

Dr. Katherine Dalton, a British physician in the 1950s, was the first to discover the condition when she noticed the mon…

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What to Know about: Intermittent Fasting and Your Hormones!

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Q: Is Intermittent fasting beneficial for female hormone balance? 

A: I.F. can help lower insulin levels and reduce inflammation, however the stress response caused by restricting foods for a prolonged period of time can negatively impact adrenal glands that are already compromised or fatigued, causing erratic cortisol levels which can lead to lows of progesterone and relative excesses of estrogen. If interested in trying intermittent fasting, it’s important to understand your unique body first…

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Have you had a chance to tune into our founder’s podcast: WTF: Women Talking Frankly?

Click HERE to listen to the most recent episode, "I'm So Anxious Or Depressed. Could It Be My Hormones?"

In their latest episode, Candace and Kyle talk about their frustrations around the lack of information linking mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, to hormone imbalances.  
During this discussion, Candace and Kyle review statistics, and talk about how life's stressors impact women and men…

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Tampon manufacturers are not required to issue a full disclosure of what’s in their products, so just like the beauty industry, it's a bit like the "wild wild west" out there when it comes to knowing what's in the feminine care products you're using. Tampons may contain odor neutralizers, dyes, pesticides, and fragrances which are known xeno "fake" estrogens that can create hormone imbalances and health issues (as well as irritation and rashes in the most uncom…

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