
Hormone Balancing Star Ingredient: Reishi Mushroom

Known as the "Queen of Mushrooms," reishi has been revered for thousands of years and historically used in Asian countries for health and longevity. It was so highly regarded that it was once reserved only for royalty and the rich upper class! We love how supportive this mushroom is in lowering cortisol levels, supporting hard-working adrenals, and reducing stress, which is why it was used in China by Taoist monks and sages for cultivating spiritual energy, calming the mind, and transforming n…

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Product Swap: Energy Drink Edition

We talk to a lot of clients who feel like they can’t make it through the day without coffee, energy drinks OR a combo like this Starbucks double shot coffee & energy drink which seems like the best of both worlds, right? Not if you’re trying to balance your hormones & improve energy levels naturally!

If you wake up feeling like you just got hit by a truck OR are tired at night but come to life right when it’s time to fall asleep, NEED some kind of energy drink daily, are edgy, irritable or …

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Check Out Candace Burch on the "The Gabby Reece Show" - Part 1: "Understanding Female Hormones"

Our founder joined @gabbyreece for a 2-part podcast series on hormones, first up: understanding female hormones!

In this episode, Candace provides a road map to natural hormone balance - including “how not to let our cycles or menopause take us down.” She first addresses the lifestyle factors associated with hormone imbalance and then gets into what happens to female hormones at perimenopause/menopause and reveals the safest, smartest ways to explore bioidentical hormones and other forms of sup…

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Hormone Balancing Recipe: Roasted Salmon Bowl

Save this for lunch or dinner this weekend! Another fabulous hormone balancing recipe by our friend, holistic chef @livhungry What we love about Liv’s recipes is that not only are they well balanced and nutrient rich, but they are approachable for anyone to make! This one is a quick n’ easy salmon bowl that can be made in under 30mins - including protein + fat + fiber + greens + nutrient rich carb for balancing blood sugar & keeping you full & satisfied!

Toss cherry tomato, purple potato,…

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Hormone Balancing Star Ingredient: Spirulina

This antioxidant powerhouse is a type of blue-green algae derived from lakes and ponds that’s an amazing source of essential hormone-balancing nutrients (iron, magnesium, calcium & potassium). Due to its detoxifying and anti-inflammatory properties, it can help reduce cramps, breast tenderness, and inflammation while improving mood + overall hormone balance! ⁠

Spirulina nutrients help support your liver, which is the primary place of detoxification in the body and crucial for hormone metaboli…

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Product Swap: Face Wash

Did you know that specific fragrances (which can include hundreds of potentially harmful, unnatural ingredients) are not required to be listed on packaging or company websites? The words “fragrance” and/or “parfum” can be listed on the label rather than the actual ingredients used to make the scent. Click HERE to read our original post on this product swap, and to learn more about switching to safer companies with full transparency so you know what you’re washing your face with!⁠

In short: we…

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Check Out Candace Burch on the "Flipping 50 Podcast" w/Debra Atkinson as they discuss Breast Cancer Risks + Your Hormones

Tune into our founder’s podcast interview with Debra Atkinson, Fitness Expert and founder of @flipping50tv - all about the hormonal connection to breast cancer and top prevention strategies.⁠

In this short episode they answer the following Q’s:⁠

✔️ How does estrogen dominance increase a woman’s risk of breast cancer?⁠

✔️ ​​Does progesterone protect against risk of breast cancer? ⁠

✔️ Is there a link between obesity and increased risk of breast cancer?⁠

✔️ What are Xenoestrogens and how do they…

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15 Tips for Skin Health and Hormone Balance

From the foods we eat, to our stress levels, to the products we use daily, there are many factors that contribute to hormone balance and skin health! The great news is that by getting to the root of skin disturbances and implementing various lifestyle adjustments, you will be able to support holistic healing, and prevent chronic skin issues from continuing to occur. 

But it starts with understanding how hormone imbalances connect to skin disturbances and what can be done naturally to rebalance!…

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Balancing Hormones to Boost Fertility (Testing + Lifestyle + Diet Suggestions)

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Infertility is one of the top concerns among women we work with, and current stats by the CDC report that approximately 22.3% of married women have problems getting pregnant or carrying a baby to term. In Dr. Aviva Romm’s new book, Hormone Intelligence, she points out that over 40% of infertility causes are attributable to women and many are due to “unknown reasons” (i.e. hidden causes that conventional medicine doesn’t recognize or address).

To better understand the specific hormonal component…

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Balancing Hormones to Manage your Weight (10 Reasons your Weight may not be Budging!)

You’re working out, dieting, tracking your food- but weight still not budging? 

“I exercise 5 days a week, watch what I eat, and have even tried eliminating dairy and excess carbs and STILL don’t see a change on the scale or in the way my clothes fit. I feel hopeless.”

If this sentiment sounds familiar, rest assured, you are definitely NOT alone. If you’ve struggled to lose or maintain weight or have packed on pounds in areas like the hips, thighs, and middle, you could have a hidden hormonal…

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